Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More of a diary than anything else.

I've been referring to the season as PUNK AS FUCK SUMMER 2K9 since before it got warm out. Maybe I'm wrong. It's still more uber-social than antisocial, and I can't remember the last time I went to a show with a guitar (but maybe guitars are more part of the structure that threatens to/already has killed the word/genre/lifestyle, as much as any of those things really can die)

It could just as well be called the summer of rugged cliches.
Bike rides, tattoos, drugs and malt liquors, late nights and train tracks, trespassing and cavorting with bums and harlots. Even a couple fights, but it's all been done before. I'm not upending the status quo or anything.

I'm still a work horse. I'm still working for the system. A couple of systems really.

But I'm in love, for what it's worth and for all the pain it causes me, and I'm pretty sure I'm enjoying life. Wow.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

New pics from glitterguts.com

August really kicked our asses. We somehow ended up doing four photobooths: an underground carnival, a house party, an art show and a fetish showcase. The last two were curated by Fred Burkhart and Gigi Deluxe, two larger-than-life personalities who loomed large over the events and the booths (I guess it also helps that Gigi was naked...who doesn't want to take pictures with a naked person?)

We have fifteen sets up now, and the site is really coming together. Check it out if you haven't, and get our asses out if you're doing something cool. Here are some of our favorite pictures from Out of the Box and Salon Des Independants

The next photobooth will be happening on September 12th at Spot 6 as part of SUPERLOVIN!

(you should come out)

[Currently listening to Pleasure Victim by Berlin]

Friday, August 22, 2008

last quarter 2k8 checklist

cut down to 35 hours/four days a week retail, use extra time to :

contact Peter Jones Gallery, Lucky Gator Loft, Heart of Gold Loft
re: Trancendental Fun Fest, Free Picture Day, Robot Battle

finish setting up apartment
1. books
2. A/V
3. rip/sell old cds

incorporate mini recording studio into DJ set up so you can
1. start making solo mixes
2. start making mixes with Dan
3. pre-record radio show
4/ start doing interviews for podcast/pirate radio/vocalo

take one (1) class in
1. improv (annoyance theatre = 200/sess - birthday/hanukkah present?)
2. creative writing (???)
3. digital photogrtaphy (???)

take two (2) hours out of every day to
1. write
2. DJ
3. contact bars/book gigs
4. exercise
5. work on bigger project (glitterguts backdrops, work zine, Bump and Grindcore, figuring out tour, writing grants)
[do each one at least twice a week]

make a list of festivals, symposiums, conventions and events you would like to
(i.e. Looptopia, Burning Man, Portland Zine Fest, Comic Con)
spin or do a photobooth at in 2k9
mark them on a calendar
email them the first week of January

buy one zine a week
read one book a week
write one article a week
write one non-fiction blog a week
write one fiction blog a week
throw out an old tshirt for every new item of clothing bought

take more hallucinogens, polish third eye, become better acquainted with the Bagvad Gita and Pink Floyd

build on your relationship with Sarah so you're both in a comfortable enough place to have crazy group sex with the crazy group sex people you meet

more TBA

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

highlights from the full moon carnival photobooth

and make sure to come visit us this Saturday when we visit the Salon Des Independants to do it all over again!