Friday, August 22, 2008

last quarter 2k8 checklist

cut down to 35 hours/four days a week retail, use extra time to :

contact Peter Jones Gallery, Lucky Gator Loft, Heart of Gold Loft
re: Trancendental Fun Fest, Free Picture Day, Robot Battle

finish setting up apartment
1. books
2. A/V
3. rip/sell old cds

incorporate mini recording studio into DJ set up so you can
1. start making solo mixes
2. start making mixes with Dan
3. pre-record radio show
4/ start doing interviews for podcast/pirate radio/vocalo

take one (1) class in
1. improv (annoyance theatre = 200/sess - birthday/hanukkah present?)
2. creative writing (???)
3. digital photogrtaphy (???)

take two (2) hours out of every day to
1. write
2. DJ
3. contact bars/book gigs
4. exercise
5. work on bigger project (glitterguts backdrops, work zine, Bump and Grindcore, figuring out tour, writing grants)
[do each one at least twice a week]

make a list of festivals, symposiums, conventions and events you would like to
(i.e. Looptopia, Burning Man, Portland Zine Fest, Comic Con)
spin or do a photobooth at in 2k9
mark them on a calendar
email them the first week of January

buy one zine a week
read one book a week
write one article a week
write one non-fiction blog a week
write one fiction blog a week
throw out an old tshirt for every new item of clothing bought

take more hallucinogens, polish third eye, become better acquainted with the Bagvad Gita and Pink Floyd

build on your relationship with Sarah so you're both in a comfortable enough place to have crazy group sex with the crazy group sex people you meet

more TBA

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

highlights from the full moon carnival photobooth

and make sure to come visit us this Saturday when we visit the Salon Des Independants to do it all over again!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

400 blogs?

I can't believe this stupid website has been a part of my life for four years now, or that it was influential in the evolution of my writing, and has in fact fed all of my creative endeavors over that time. It's a bit sad that myspace is giving way to facebook, but if nothing is eternal, from art to architecture, why should an amorphous social networking website?

It's been a hard 24 hours. The party last night was full of highs and lows and I think some good people's feelings got hurt, all in the name of art and entertainment and charity and the way we're perceived in the minds of others.

I'm about to go to work.
Afterwards there's the full moon firespinning drum jam at Foster Beach,
Or the Japanese all-girl hardcore band Banjax closing out Clitfest 2008 at Juevos Ranchos
But it'll probably just be me and my sweetie, with hungover canoodling and takeout, cartoons and a hookah, maybe some opium and a lot of photos

it's been a weird four years, and I've been happy to share it with all you beautiful oddballs

400 blogs ago:


It feels
i've wasted three hours now
looking for local fame and notoriety
through internet popularity contests
instead of writing and now
the tv ads are all pushing motorized wheelchairs
and the cartoons have gotten as serious as they'll get
to kids who'll believe in them
until they're old enough to act for themselves and find themselves guilty
because out of the tooth fairy and St. Niklaus and Elmo and Jesus
and all the other bedtime stories
if the ninja turtles or the captain and his planeteers were real
judging me

for running the water the whole time i brush my teeth

maybe it's the news
maybe i'm tired
or lying
but it looks like the skin is trying to melt off john kerry's face

i'm not sure because
even though these walls are thin
I cannot see through them
to the television set
that blues
and strobes
on the other side

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

this picture blog may kill your computer

I haven't seen "Pineapple Express" yet. I probably will, but it isn't presented by Marvel or DC or Dark Horse, so it isn't that pressing, really. For that matter, I haven't seen "The Incredible Hulk" either, but that's just me following in a lifelong tradition of ignoring the exploits of Bruce Banner, that included not giving a shit about the Ang Lee Hulk or the Lou Ferigno one. None of that's the point, really.

The point is that writer's block sucks, and I wanted to express it through a tangent.

"Pineapple Express" doesn't really look to compelling, but neither did "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and that turned out to be one of my favorite movies this year. Lots of good character actors (see also: ugly people), surprising direction, and (a first for a Judd Apatow vehicle) female characters that were nearly as complex as their male counterparts.

There was a scene where the funny/blandish/shlub protagonist is talking to his famous actress/cuckold ex-girlfriend about her tv show being cancelled and she says:

"It's good really. I've been wanting to break into movies before I got stifled with my television persona and now I'll have a chance to do that" or something along those lines

His response is pretty much, "We used to live/love together so don't feed me that line".

I wish I had people to do that about my various lines.

An old writing teacher of mine walked into the store today and, even though I'm pretty good at having relaxed, casual conversations with people I only kinda know, or haven't seen in a while, it's always awkward when it's with a teacher, especially an art teacher.

I asked him if he was getting any good writing done, which is a shitty thing to do for any number of reasons... first, because if he's doing real well, I'll kind of hate him and then because if he isn't doing anything, he has to say so. And then either way he turns the question back on me.

Neither of us were really doing shit but he didn't qualify it, but when he asked me what I've been up to in the meantime, I fed him one of those lines that comes automatically:

"I've been spinning music a lot and taking pictures, and I pretty much figure I can only do two out of three arts at any given time."

I don't know if that's a dick thing to say, but it's a line and it comes too quick, even if it's true.

The idea I had last year for the Mobile Photo Booth has picked up steam and Sarah and I have really started to put out some really good work, that's getting better with each set (I think). I haven't put up some highlights in a while so I figured now might be a good time. As always, you can see the whole sets