Wednesday, June 01, 2005

it's pronounced like 'rogues' and that's important

when the drunken pregnant girl with drug and worry and mascara lined eyes
hands the mutilated babydoll
to the dwarf
by means of a switchblade
you know you've found your way into a david lynch film or made it to a really good chicago party

the birds are cheaping to challenge the moogs
urin foams when it contacts bonfire
the graham crackers go before the marshmallows
there is a such thing as perpetual motion
cats make noises like lazerbeams and rape victims
at 5:00 AM
perhaps the moon is sick of you

with the girl i can't say the word to
depressed and bedriffed
i can see the stars from old angles
-this does not constitute a claim that she's holding me back
just a change in perspective

it's good to see that when i mellow
and simmer
for stretched months

some of the same
half-decade stalwarts
some longer still
are left
cyndi, host, ibarra, party steve, sam, stevo, mike the midget
the old one last walk crew, kokomo crew, the nervous center
the weird fuckers from whitney and lane and lakeview and lp
new arrivals here like bryan, briton, and kelleh

i drank tequila out of a bag, caballo
and had champagne spit in my face
dancing on green clouds that tasted like unsweetened cotton candy
playing with knives

some people say that these nights blend togethor
but i know better
that these are the only way i'll hear myself laughing
this certain way and
i must keep moving

even the cabbies know
"it's a quiet night" they say
they're lying, but i tip them anyway

this is how i will start my diary
a third of foyurth lifetime attempt:
5/28 5:30 AM

the sun is coming up over the trees and traintracks. not here, but somewhere. something tall protects my little cul-de-sac but i've never noticed its erection. I am up and so are the cats. Despite all attempts to ruin myself with tequila...lucidity. The cats question my place at this hour. The little one claws at my feet and groin. When he is neutered soon, he'll wonder if I knew he was just trying to kill the drawstring in my pajamas. No matter.

I have as many days left in my school career as a girl named Emily has in gestation. Another one. Knocked up. Another girl I'll probably never fuck, kiss, look in the eyes, and after devoting so many hours thinking about it. She has skin like paper, blue eyes and pale tits bigger than anything you've ever seen on a person outside Japanese caricature. Just like every other girl I loved too much to talk to in high school. Just like every friend that's dropping babies. Today I took a final and held up traffic in an office building. I missed appointments, procrastinated and got everywhere late. It was nice to eventually wind up somewhere I was able to do something other than build contempt.


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