Thursday, October 28, 2004

not entirely unappreciative

yesterday i woke up
this is pretty much a daily occurence

but yesterday

as the cats were huddled togethor on the couch watching the leaves fall

i woke up

and without nostalgia

it was a beautiful grey Chicago day
at the bus stop at Western and Chicago
and warmer than my jacket necessitated

my streptoccacus (?) ravaged throat sucked in a clean breath of
grey Chicago air

and a smirk crept up as I counted my blessings for the first time in a long time

I'm in a relationship with a beautiful, talented woman that shows no sign of wear and tear after six months, it's been about three years since i haven't had a regular radio outlet to play music in chicago, i'm writing every now and then, performing every now and then, not entirely obese with better clothes than i've ever worn and the mohawk i wanted when i was 5; i'm getting paid a little bit of money to TA some math classes and even school seems to have an end lurching on the horizon

i was about to write a 'but then again'

but i'm not

i'm about as close as i've ever been to happy, and i think i'll try to let myself enjoy it


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

goodnight moon

brother wayne

i don't think you drink anymore
at least any more than a little wine

so i thought i'd pour out a vile
into some yoga mat
and bury it for you

you were not a man of words
so much

but you taught me

more than anyone else i've ever paid to teach me

more than any lesson plan

filling me up with all of this passive propaganda
peace and love silliness

man of nothing

send my regards to

send my regards to potential

send my regards
to all that never was


and will be

i cannot afford a vile
or even a hit (now that i've found one)

i dont really have money to spend on a yoga mat
and i slept through your funeral

but then again I'm more a man of words
that usually roll out with out thinking
expept for these two

i love you



Friday, October 22, 2004

fag the dog

the good ol boys from the grand ol' party are back in power
a call is placed
to an unscrupulous hollywood jew
who, due to a drinking problem and penchant for the bittersweet kind of life,
manages bollywood's top acts

a swarthy pretty boy comes to the country
to meet a vociferously (?) self hating log cabin republican
in the great state of massachusetts
and they fuck
as per the terms of their agreeent

and under the approving
alcohol softened eyes
of a doughy ted kennedy
they marry
and oneof bollywood's rising stars
under a fake name and fake beard
gets his very first greencard.............

and blows up fenway park
fresh off two landmar seasons by the reds
the outrage spreads from the boston irish
to the rest of the nation

the borders are closed
and sodomy is once again punishable by execution

cause if you ain't fuckin for procreation
you're fuckin for terrorists

and terrorism isn't nice

(a friendly reminder from the Ad Council)

Saturday, October 02, 2004

my baby got runover waa waa ooh a steam roller

to everyone else in the city that found themselves in Ukie Village in the last 6 months say hello to your new neighbors to everyone who did the same in pilsen