Tuesday, October 26, 2004

goodnight moon

brother wayne

i don't think you drink anymore
at least any more than a little wine

so i thought i'd pour out a vile
into some yoga mat
and bury it for you

you were not a man of words
so much

but you taught me

more than anyone else i've ever paid to teach me

more than any lesson plan

filling me up with all of this passive propaganda
peace and love silliness

man of nothing

send my regards to

send my regards to potential

send my regards
to all that never was


and will be

i cannot afford a vile
or even a hit (now that i've found one)

i dont really have money to spend on a yoga mat
and i slept through your funeral

but then again I'm more a man of words
that usually roll out with out thinking
expept for these two

i love you




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