Monday, March 07, 2005


Scene: the Elks Lounge living room, garlic broth is steaming over a pot overlooked by N and T, K is scribbling in his notebook, S is reading, E is hopped up on ibuprofen

K: Boognish
E: Where?
K: I wish Ween lived in our basement
N: But then we'd have to feed them
K: Maybe they'd feed us
E: Maybe they'd feed us pills
T: With a Boognish stamped on them!
K: Are you talkin about ecstacy?
E: I could do some E
N: I could do some Ketamine
T: I could do some K or some G
S: What's G?
S: I don't wanna do that
K: I don't wanna do that either
E: I'll do any letter you can throw at me
N: G's's like being drunk but more happy. It's like being drunk without ever getting sad
K: I don't get sad when I'm drunk
E: I do
S: Me too
K: Let's do something that makes us all SAD
E: Let's kill Rudigger

Rudigger is the cat.


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