Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I drop bombs like London double decker buses

1. According to the news, security is being stepped up on Chicago's buses and trains. We've all been told to keep a hawk's eye on our fellow citizens. I put it to the test. Well, chance and circumstance did it for me. I was on my way to the Gentlemen Callers show for the opening night. I was wearing a tuxedo that I would put in the show and had most of my props in a duffel bag. Let's review this

a) On account of a deadly and tragic, four-tiered terrorist attack on London's public transportation system, our own transit authority vows to put on an exhaustive and overdone showy display of its dedication to our safety,
b) we have, waiting for the bus
c) one (1) dark, olive-skinned young Mediterranean boy
d) oddly well dressed, considering the piercings, tattoos, and the fact that he was taking a bus
e) with an oversize bag, and
f) oh yeah, I was brandishing a steel-replica Japanese sword
g) absent mindedly sheathing and unsheathing it

no one batted a fucking eye

2. when i told the story to this cat Ned after the show, he looked at me calmly with these giant eyes and told me, "One of my friends was on that train."

I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and for him tobreak the stoneface and start laughing but he never did

Me: Really
Ned: Yeah, I'm actually a citizen of England
Me: Is she alright?
Ned: Yeah
Me: [pause]
Me: [pause]
Me: Well that's a mind-fuck ain't it?

3. So yesterday I went to the Subhumans show. It was the third time I've seen em and the old men can still thrash. Hell, they can hold their own against most the bands I've seen recently. Thing is, they kept talking about things the British knew that Americans didn't and the audience just kept fuckin cheering. It had a real feeling of being arm in arm with a bunch of sheep. Most iconic concerts have a bit of a feel like this but it stings a bit more when half the crowd consits of antiestablishment misfits. There are a number of reasons they could've been cheering. Maybe the large quotient of Anarchists felt that they were excluded from the term "Americans". Maybe it was because the man had a serious British slur and they couldn't understand what the shit hewas saying. Maybe they felt the statements were directed solely at the heartless government and mindless "others" supporting it but it all had a serious "You Americans" feel to it.

One of the things he was talking is how enlightened the Britons are, and how they won't go around taking each other's freedom...or allowing it from their government. I'd just like to mention that in less than a week four mosques have been bombed in England. We're all a lot alike when we go into survival mode. I understand the importance of an us-versus-them in a political call to arms, but we're all in this fight togethor.

4. I litter less after terrorist attacks as a courtesy to my fellow passengers on the bus

5. The teacher explained, through a thick and cracking accent, that the G8 is worried that Africa will become a nest for terrorists to lay eggs..."There a lot of Muslims in Africa."

And a girl in my class was surprised. "I bet they would work with em too." She was black and surprised that terrorists would work alongside black people.


The only time we'll be equal is on a suicide mission.


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