Monday, January 23, 2006

Watership Down 2

Captain No-Hops was the name of our bunny. A lot of people said he was the most disgusting thing they'd ever seen. I remember the term one guy used was "tragically cute". We loved him despite his infirmity, but it was hard. He cost us a few friends, me and my Mom. Quentin, who was my best friend, stopped coming over because he couldn't stand to look at it. Then we stopped hanging out altogethor.

Quentin Lawrence had a cool Dad. He let us play with firecrackers, taste his beer, and touch his gun when he was done cleaning it. “Clean boots, a clean gun and a clean diet and a man can live forever,” he would tell us time and time again. Then he would pop the tab on a can of Hamm’s and say, “But two out of three ain’t so bad neither.”

One of the cool things he did was teach his sons, Quentin and Marshall, how to hunt. He wouldn’t let them use his rifles, except a pellet gun for squirrels and birds. He said they didn’t need guns anyway. “Guns are for protection,” He’d say with a serious look on his face. “Sure, guns are fun. They’re a shitload a' fun, but they ain’t for fun. Hunting is fun too and it can be for fun. It can also be for food, and for clothes, if you were Indian you could even hunt for shelter and that’s why you need to know it. If you lose everything, you can still hunt,” and he’d swig from his beer. “And you can hunt with anything. Knives, bows, sticks, traps, I even killed a buck with my bare hands.” And his fingers would curl as if there was a fat hunk of something between em, his eyes’d go wild and he’d fling his arm back and point at the wall behind him.

There was a buck mounted on the wall; its head and neck were as big as my whole trunk, maybe bigger, and it had these long purple welts across the neck. When he stopped talking, we would just sit there looking at him and that deer behind him. He could probably finish a whole ‘nother beer there without us saying a peep. Usually, he did.

Quentin’s father was like a statue, he was strong and tall. He was only a little bigger than regular men but in every direction. His hair grew out shaggy, he had a big knob of a nose and a big chin you could tie a string around. His hands were huge. There was no doubt in my mind that those hands could have wringed a deer’s neck. In other words, he was nothin’ like Quentin’s Mom. She was a librarian at our school, and she looked it. She was short, and mousy and looked a little old for her age. She had glasses and a high voice, her hair was graying early and her face was kind of pointy. She mostly wore loose clothes but at some point I noticed that she kinda had a nice body. Mostly I tried not to look.

“I can’t believe him and your Mom were ever in love,” I’d tell Quentin.

“Nah, I don’t think it was love,” he’d say. “No, they stayed together for something else but it wasn’t love.”

I think he knew what it was but he never let on.

“Quentin’s Dad was big” she would recall, when she was thinking fondly of him, or perhaps “Quentin’s Dad was big.”

There was one time when me and Quentin were being spies, and we were listening to her and Miss Wilkins drink wine and talk where I heard her say, “Big and dumb, that’s how I like em,” and then they clinked their glasses and I heard her say something like, “I tell you, I should be lookin at the guys who don’t pass my class”

It's funny what kinda things you remember. That was the first, most sexual thing I'd ever heard an adult woman say. It stuck with me for years. That’s about the time I had to stop looking at Quentin’s mother’s body. That’s also about the time I started slacking with my homework.

One day, I went over to Quentin's house, and in the bathroom I noticed that there was a shirt hanging over the shower that was covered in blood. I didn't ask him about it. There was stuff like that all the time. It wasn't Quentin's shirt. Marshall was probably gutting some fish or dressing some deer. Quentin was excited about something that day but he didn't say what. We played some games, then some videogames, made some popcorn and watched TV. During one of the commercials, he turned the volume all the way down, looked at me and whispered, "I've got to show you something."

He led me up to his room and pulled a box out from under his bed. He pulled the lid off and held it out for me to look at. I could vaguely make out a lump inside.

"Go on. Take it."

I reached in and felt something soft at one end and hard, and wet, at the other. I thought it was a joke, like an old moldy vegetable he'd been saving just so he could do this. Before I could make out what it was, Quentin blurted out, "It's a lucky rabbit's foot!"

It didn't look like the rabbit's feet I'd gotten before. Those were small, about the size of my thumb, balls of fluff dyed magenta and turquoise at the ends of keychains. This was grey and big; it had claws that moved when you pressed on the pads of the foot. The other end was bone and tendon. The fur was matted down with still-wet blood.

"You've got one. Marshall got one. I got one, and Rob got one. But there's more. Follow me."

Quentin led me down the stairs, out the door, through his backyard to our secret meetingplace in the woods. On the ground was another cardboard box. It seemed to glow, lit up by a lone beam of moonlight that somehow found its way through the trees. Quentin opened it and there was a terrible noise and an overwhelming smell of piss. It was a bunny, about two feet in length, and it was screaming.


It sounded like a needle scratching a record. The bottom of the box was lined with blood that splashed when the scared rabbit kicked what was left of its legs.

"You get to kill it. Then you can be a hunter like me and my brother. We caught it."

I felt sick to my stomach. Before I could respond, I could feel him nudging me with something. It was an old hammer.

"Come on, you'd be like my Dad." He tried to hand the hammer to me but it dropped to the ground. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.
"I don't. I can't." I begged.
"Look, it's hurt. It's gonna die. You'd be putting it out of its misery."
"Why don't you?"
"Because, you gotta do this?"
"I won't."
"Look, don't be a fag. Just do it."
"If you don't do this, you can't come over anymore."
"I don't want to."
"If you don't, then I'm not your friend anymore."


I was crying and he was screaming and so was the bunny. I took off, just started running into the woods. I was always afraid of being lost there at night. It was my only nightmare. Kids at school said there were Satanists in the woods, murderers and wild animals, that there were parts of the woods that the sun never touched, that were dark all day. In my dreams, when I was lost in the woods, I never could see what got me. Night fell early, and the woods were pitch black already. I ran blind with my eyes burning, farther and fasster than I'd ever run before. I didn't know if Quentin had tried to follow me, but I must've lost him by the time I thought about it. Somehow I made it all the way across, without running into anyone or anything.

When I was at the very end of the woods, through blurred vision I could see the glow of streetlights. I pushed my way through the brambles and onto the road where a pair of headlights were fast approaching. Whoever it was, was honking. The honking got louder as the lights, which were all I could see, got brighter. I stepped back and, just as I was afraid the car would hit me, it slowed; I heard the mechanical hum of a window rolling down and then, strangely enough, my own name.

"Tyler! Tyler! Get in the car this instant!"


"You have been gone for hours, Tyler. Hours! Where were you? I called that degenerate father of Quentin's and he didn't know where you were, big surprise. Do you know--" She saw how hard I was crying and realized that I'd just come through the woods alone, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Quentin told me to do something I...didn' do." I started crying again and could only tell her in little bursts.

"Well whatever he told you to do, you know you doin't have to do," She said it in her Mom voice, in her meaningful voice. It came off as rote, though, because she said it the same way she'd said it before.


"What...will die?"

"The...the bunny."

I stopped there. She stopped the car.

"We'll go back tomorrow. If it's still alive, I promise I'll fix it."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"And...if its not?"

"Then that's just nature taking its course." I sniffled in hard, and my tears subsided. "You really are a sweet boy, Tyler."

Now I know that she wasn't really prepared for what she saw the next day. There was no way she could have been. We went out early in the morning. I asked her not to call Quentin, who was at his Mom'sd house anyways. We parked across the street from Quentin's Dad's house, walked around to the back and through the yard. I was afraid Quentin's Dad would see us but he was rarely, if ever, up before eleven. This was the first time I'd taken a grown-up to our secret spot. I was breaking an oath. I wanted to tell her to close her eyes but I couldn't ask her. I was walking behind her, giving her directions. I didn't want to be the first one to see it.

"Is the box?"

"Yes." I looked and there was a new box. There was no blood seeping through at the bottom. Maybe Quentin thought I'd rat him out and switched the boxes. Maybe this time it really was a rotten vegetable. I hoped. I stood a few feet away as she opened the box, and screamed.


"Tyler, close your eyes," she yelled and I shut them as tight as I could, and listened to the sound of vomit splattering into the dirt.

"Can I open them now?"

"Have you seen it?"


"Okay then." And then silence.

I looked inside. The same rabbit, with four bloody gauze tourniquets wrapped around it's legs. I was hit with the overpowering smell of piss and ammonia. This wasn't like the animals in Mr. Lawrence's den. They were stuffed and...noble. They fought and lost to a stronger foe. That's the way he told it. The rabbit was different. It was hurt and pathetic, maybe crazy and fighting for its life.

"Did you do this?"
"No, I didn't."
"God, what's wrong with that family?"
"Can we fix it?"
"I don't know."
"You promised."
"I know."

She was calm, but tears were streaming down her face as she bent down to pick up the box.

"I can take it Mom."
"Are you sure?"

I lifted the box and it started hissing at me.


The whole way to the vet's office it rolled around in the box against its will, flailing it's limbs and hissing, shaking and screaming and pissing on itself. At the vet's, I could hear bits and pieces of conversation from right outside the door.

"This isn't like a dog, here. This rabbit will be immobile. It would be cruel to keep it alive."

He was wrong. When he started to move again, when he didn't need the pain medication so much, he had the energy of a rabbit half his age, happily scooting all around the floor in the frenchroom. He would go like this for weeks and then stop, and then for weeks he wouldn't move at all. He would just lie on a pillow on the floor, getting fat. We'd have to place his food on his chest for him to eat it, and if he didn't, it would cake there. The older he got, the shorter the intervals between active and passive. Towards the end, he barely moved at all.

I wasn't allowed to see Quentin for the rest of the summer. A week before the first day of school my mother told me to call him.

"I don't think he wants to talk to me."
"Oh, I bet he misses you."
"Maybe." Meaning probably not. She handed me the phone.
"Tyler, hey, how are you doing?"
"I'm alright."
"Look man, I'm really sorry."
"It's okay."
"I couldn't kill it either."
"I figured."
"But the weirdest thing happened, the box disappeared."
"No it didn't."
"What do you mean."
"I saved it."
"You saved, like, it's body?"
"No. I saved its life. Me and my Mom."
"How is it?"
"Does it have legs? Like, prosthetics or something?"
"I gotta see it."

Quentin came over the next day. Luckily, Captain No-Hops, as one of my cousins named him, was in an active mood. He was scooting all over the room, chewing on whatever furniture he could reach.

"He looks like a turkey."
"Like a turkey after you take the skin off, with an extra set of wings...where its legs should be."
"And the head of a rabbit."
"Yeah, and fur."

We collapsed on the couch laughing. It was good to have my best friend back. And it was good to have the bunny, no matter how much work it was.

When we first took him home, the vet gave us a big bottle of sedatives, which he needed while his wounds recovered. He couldn't believe we were going to take care of this rabbit that would never move again. Two months later, skin had grown back over most of its legs, and patches of fur over the skin. He stopped wailing when the lights went out at night. He lost that look of anguish in his big watery black eyes. Then we noticed something. He was spinning his arms. We had him propped on a pillow on his back and he was making little windmills with his forearms, which looked like flippers. He knocked himself forward, onto his face. We just looked, my mother and I, waiting for him to wail. It didn't. It was like watching a toddler learning to walk, but instead of walking. he learned to scoot. It was hard to watch him as he first learned how to propel himself. He would only use his front legs and drag the rest across the carpet. He wore his fur thin and his belly raw before figuring out how to use his hind legs, like oars bumping across the ground, to move. He got pretty speedy, or could, when he wanted to. Then he could do anything. Almost.

We set up a bottle, like the kind hamsters and caged bunnies use, for him to drink water, and usually medicine, at his leisure. That meant that five times a day my mother and I would have to pick him up and hold him over a litter box and give him a squeeze to let him know it was time to go. We kept him on a strict schedule so it would be easier for him to adapt, a schedule that I had forgotten about the day Quentin came over.

"Tyler, have you taken No-Hops out yet, this afternoon?" Mom was pissed.
"No, Mom."
"Do you want him to go all over the couch?"
"No, Mom."
"Cause, that's where you've got him."
"We wanted to pet him."
"That's fine but you can't neglect your duties. He can't do it on his own like a normal rabbit." Quentin and the rabbit stared at us.

She walked to the couch and picked him up. I guess she grabbed him too hard cause he took it as a sign that he was supposed to start. His ears stiffened and he pissed a straight line all the way from the couch to the litter box, the whole time trying to kick his little legs out of the way of the stream. She just made it to the box when the first turd dropped.

Quentin looked on in horror. His face went white and he shook like he was cold all of a sudden. I don't know if it was seeing the result of what he and his brother had done or if it was just all too weird for him.

"Miss Burton? I think I need to go home." She was still holding the rabbit about the waist over the box, petting it's stomach gently with her indexfinger and trying to hold in her breath.

"Really? I was hoping to have you over for dinner."

"Yeah? So did my Dad. Thanks anyway." And he was out the door.

It took months to get in touch with him again. At school, they put us in different classes that year. I found out that his Mom had arranged it only days before school started. Some kids wouldn't talk to me and some looked at me with an odd curiosity. Could it be, I wondered, that everyone thinks I'm diferent because I have a weird pet? I hated the the rabbit that day, when I had that realization, and wished I'd never come back to help.

When I saw Quentin next, it was the first day of practice for the basketball team. We'd both tried out, and both gotten in. We talked afterwards. He apologized for being weird to me and told me he was just unsettled after he saw the rabbit last time. He said that he really liked the rabbit and wanted to come over and see it again, but would have to leave the room when I "drained" it. Unfortunately, Captain No-Hops was particularly slothful that week that Quentin came over, he was gassy and lethargic. Still, Quentin pretended like he was cute or maybe he just didn't notice and really believed it. Then he did something weird, he went up to the rabbit and grabbed one of it's stumps, like he was going to shake it's nonexistent paw.

Suddenly, Captain No-Hops shook himself alert, and looked Quentin right in the face with sad, hollow eyes and screamed.


It was like the screams we'd heard when we first took the lid off the box. Shivers crawled up our spines and took root underneath our skin. Quentin didn't offer up any fake explanations this time. He just ran. I never talked to him in person again.

I cursed the rabbit for that, for three times costing me my best friend, for not getting all the way better, for getting worse, for not dying. At night, I had nightmares about the rabbit. In one, there is nothing but darkness. I'm sitting and I can't make it to my feet. I feel around but there are no switches to turn on the lights, no windows or doors. Nothing. Then the lid comes off. There's light, my skin is blue, shimmering in the moonlight. A shadow falls on my face, four shadows lumped together. Marshall is there, Quentin is there, and Rob is there, each sixty feet high and each one holding a saw. The fourth figure is a rabbit, foam drips from its mouth and its eyes are narrow slits of green. It holds in its paw a hammer. Around it's neck, an arm hangs limp on a chain. The arm has been painted a sickly mint green.

"Hit him," they tell him. "He's hurt, he'll die."

I look around, my arms and legs have been severed at the joints. I try to get up onto my knees but it burns and I fall on my face. I roll over because I'm afraid to have my back to them.

"No," the rabbit says. "Lets make him hurt. Lets keep him alive."

They drop their tools and come at me with gauze. The tight knots around my arms and legs swell and pulse as the blood tries to escape. I scream as they place the lid back on. I wake up, screaming, "No, don't leave me here!"

That was one. In the other, Captain No-Hops scoots around the floor around my bed, but more than scooting he's swimming through the carpet like a shark. I know that he's going to attack me, he's going to try and rip my face off with his teeth, tear off my arms and legs. He knows it too but he just keeps swimming. He wants the fear to get me first. When he lifts his head above the carpet his mouth is open. I can see all the way to his throat. I jolt out of bed. There are variations of the dream where I kill him right there in the carpet/water. I pull a hammer from under my pillow and hit him over and over again until he stops, and floats, drifting ambitionless towards the door. After this version of the dream, I usually throw up.

The last time I heard from Quentin was at the end of the year. It was a little yellow post-it note on my locker, that said "I'm sorry" in his handwriting. A few days earlier, Marshall and Rob, Marshall's friend from church, broke into my locker and left their rabbit's feet there with a note that said, "We heard about your problem. You're rabbit doesn't have enough feet. Take these." One was messed up, parts of it were hard and black, like someone had tried to set it on fire and singed the fur. I cried and hid in the bathroom til the end of the day. I waited half an hour past the last bell before leaving. I left the two paws in the toilet.

Rob dropped out that year. I forget why. Marshall never finished the 8th grade because his family, him Quentin and their mother, moved away. Apparently, Mr. Lawrence stopped paying child support, and when she sued for it he skipped town. When she finally caught up with him, he was in jail in Cleveland for trying to hold up a convenience store. I held that rifle, I thought as they played the security tape on the local news. No one got hurt in the robbery. I thought he was gonna shoot the clerk from the look on his face but there was an undercover cop right there in the corner of the store, reading the news and drinking coffee. I don't know how it happened but she ended up remarrying him in prison, and moved the whole family down to Ohio.

"She was a weird woman," my Mom said, as the whole story bled out from one gossip to another.

Captain No-Hops lived a longer life than anyone could have expected. I loved him, and experienced all of the emotions that fall under the umbrella of love: hate, disgust, bitterness, annoyance, the deep-seated feeling that he was consciously trying to sabotage me. When he died though, it felt to soon, and I experienced all of the general stages of grief that one does when a loved one dies. Mainly I blamed his death on everyone around else. My mother. Her boyfriend. Quentin. Marshall. The vet. The thing was, he died outside. He had not been outside in half a decade, except for that one or two days a year when the grass was soft and overgrown, the dirt was wet and the weather was right and I'd let him slither around, marking his territory at his leisure and sniff the ground for females. But who would take him outside? After months of accusations and denials came the final stage. Acceptance. He had died, and somehow he had died in the place where he was born, in the place where rabbits are supposed to die. In a bed of warm grass underneath a tall tree next to a mangled bush. Outside.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

what he does when the parties are all over, and why he tries not to sleep alone

Evan got home early. It's a subjective term that today means exactly 4:20. As a number, it no longer held any significance to him. The tiles felt cold, and he felt his jeans dampen around his knees so he got up, stood,and put his finger down his throat. It was second nature, and kinda sexual. Aim for the middle. Don't touch anything. Thrust. Remove. Repeat. It reminded him of highschool, how he'd finger girls on the train. It was funny that he was doing it to himself. Kinda funnhy. Funny that he used to think that this is what you do to get girls off. Funny is another highly subjective term.

It shot up like a rocket, and hit the top of his throat hard. Too hard. This was the only part where he gagged. He coughed and his throat burned. He tried again. This time he was a fountain. Again, it all came out at once. Some made it into the bowl, some didn't. There was more but he didn't go for it. He swalowed air and forced it back down. He had heard once that stomach acids eat away at the esophagus, and wondered how long it takes. He reached for the toilet paper with his wet hand. There was a sliver of white in the small pool that hit his shoe. It was chewed and undistinguishable but he recognized it as breadcrust. He wiped off the floor, and stood in front of the mirror. His eyes were puffy and bloodshot. His mouth hung open. He was a blurry mix of endorphins, which were already crashing, and hate, which had briefly subsided. Otherwise, there was no difference. At least not like he wanted. His beard had grown in a little more since he left. He took a lot of time shaving it, and thinking about shaving. He wanted it to mask his double chin, without looking like a bum.He rinsed his mouth out and spit.

He was drunk and his mind was going in circles.
No matter how many situps I try to do. No matter how many different foods I avoid. No matter how much time I take getting ready, and picking out the nicest clothes that will fit me, which isn't much. No matter how many people I charm, and things I do. It doesn't matter. I'm still him. Just a fat fuck.

He pulled the chain and the light went out. There was a knife on the fridge, he felt his skin quiver, as if there was a breeze, and he put it down. It was too much work for the hour, with too little benefit. He opened the fridge, looked inside and closed it again.

He was right. And no matter how many times I tell myself that he was an asshole and I was right, it doesn't matter. He was still telling the truth. I'm nothing but a fat fuck.

He turned the lights off in the kitchen and the hallway. In his room, the bed was unmade and there were clothes on the floor. He grabbed a pillow, and pulled a blanket off the bed, found a nice surface and went to sleep on the floor.

Good night he thought. Everyone always wins but me.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Arson Around With Auntie ALF and Uncle ELF

That was a poster I used to have on my wall when I lived in Wicker Park. It wasn't really a poster so much as the illustrated cover of a pamphlet explaining various ways to rip the system, some factoids on why you should, and some adresses of big time offenders. I got it at a show at the Congress Theatre or the Azone, I can't remember anymore.I thought it was one of the greatest things I'd ever seen, and it followed me to four apartments after that. It's tattered to shit now but I've still got it in a box somewhere because I can't throw it away. Chances are, it'll get used against me in a court of law some day.

Eleven members of the Animal Lberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front got the prosecution hammer thrown down today on charges of ecoterrorism. I don't know why it was called "ecoterrorism", though. It was more Fight Club-style arson than 12 Monkeys-style pandemic-spreading. Maybe because it was terrorism done in the name of ecology but that still seems a bit off.

I don't know quite how I feel about it. While I support the ALF and ELF's tactics, they knew the consequences, committed the crimes and got busted (assuming of course that the arrests and indictments were legit). Plus, I just finished grilling a fat steak and some pork loin and I've known more than a few ALFers who'd think me scum for it. Still, this is just a further example of the new distinction leftist radical groups were given under post-September 11th antiterrorism laws and they'll probably receive outlandish sentences because of it.

Either way, I wouldn't mind seeing Alberto Gonzalez's head on the same pike as Ashcroft and Janet Reno's. Lumping all left-of-center conservation groups (some violent, most not) together and saying that they're the greatest domestic threat out there is fucking ridiculous.Matt Hale tried to put a hit out on a motherfucker, and every couple of years some white power dudes'll get locked up for putting some people down. These guys burnt down an empty ski resort. What this shows was already pretty obvious: the feds care more about money than they do about human life.

I feel like I must be naive for having to say it but I feel like it needs to be said, out loud and often.

Anyway, just thought you guys should know.

blah blah blah
History of Women in Hardcore tonight at the Mess Hall. Lord of the Yum Yum and Black Bear Combo at Reversible Eye after that. If I don't see you tonight, I'll see you tomorrow. Peace

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

letters to the editor, pt. 3

or "Dear Yahweh, It's me Lab Rat"

Dear god,
It's me again, that guy who asks you for things. I've got an easy one. I don't ever want to see the game "Civilization II" again. It's old, antiquated even. I need you to break its hold over me. I've been fine without it these last five years, and I can finally say I've made progress with real life even. I now know that the world was not ready for a Communist Egypt with nuclear capabilities in the year 1655. I'm okay with that. I also know that I don't want to have any further "Civilization II" arguments with my girlfriend that rival or surpass our actual arguments on religion or politics in both intensity and ferocity. Strike it from her hardrive and remove it from my sight. Change it in my mind to "Escape From Monkey Island" or somesuch lamity so as not to tempt me further. The next time I'm up until six in the morning, there better be at least the promise of some tits and degradation involved, even (and especially) if I am just sitting in front of the computer.

speaking of tits and degradation...

Dear American Apparel,
I get it. This hot chick has a pimple on her ass. This hot chick has bushy eyebrows. This kinda chubby hot chick is in the throes of orgasm. I want to fuck them. I do not, however, want to buy the tube socks they carelessly forgot to remove whilst pretending to get off for your photographers. That skinny guy with the bad moustache in the 80s workout shorts, you can totally see his package. Good for him. You guys are obviously as progressive as your anti-sweatshop, pro-union policies would imply. There. Now can I have my magazines back? All of them. I'm hiding. All I've got left is Soldier of Fortune, Trucker News Monthly, and American Kitten. You're making me miss the forgotten ads of yesterdyear, where cigarettes were promises of family fun and a can of beer meant a party was on the way. "The glory days," I'll call them, as I close one of my grandchildren's Goldenbooks to see the bleached and puckered asshole of a woman wearing one of your 100 per cent cotton headwarmers on the back cover. You're ruining the future.
Thanks in advance,

speaking of the end of the world

Dear Pakistan,
Don't you have nukes? We just bombed your ass and we aren't even at war with you. "The war on terrror has no boundaries." Are you gonna fall for that? We can just go and say that there's an Al Quada cell operating out of your ass, and stick some MIGS up there. Toughen up, grow some balls, and fight our ass so we can overthrow Bush already. You're neighbors'll love it. You and India can finally bond over something. Most of the people you'd be killing can't tell the difference between you guys anyway. Are you mad yet? Good.
Git er done,

speaking of spineless losers fat on British currency and their own inflated sense of accomplishment...

Dear Bloc Party,
You're totally last years' TV on the Radio.
Just thought you should know,
p.s. TV on the Radio were wayyy better than you guys by the way, and have more well-dressed black guys, to boot. Maybe there's a correlation. Try firing the honkies and get back to me.

speaking of don't believe the hype...

Dear Lady Sovereign,
You are probably going to be this year's M.I.A. She was namechecking revolutionaries for, what, five months and now she's doing car commercials? What the fuck? Be strong, LS. You can probably do better than Diplo, anyway.
My girlfriend won't mind,

speaking of settling down with a nice girl who can bust a mean flow...

Dear Mom,
Thank you for not crying when you saw my tattoo this time. There will probably be many more in the future, and I have no plans on relenting any time soon. The chances are slim that I will suffer blood poisoning or get beaten to death by skinheads or Palestinians. The next time I go into the Arab world, or to a White Pride show, I will be sure to wear a scarf. I'll even try not to lose the scarf this time.
p.s. Don't buy the scarf. The ones you pick out are too faggy. Besides, I need to do this for myself.
p.s. Everytime I come over, I steal salmon or imitation crab meat. Thanks for being a good Jewish Mom with a fridge full of salmon and imitation crab meat.
p.p.s. I'm sorry that my blogs make you cry sometimes, and that the ones that don't are all about sex, and that anything else still has bad words. You taught me better than that.

kids, re:cruelty

Overheard walking by a high school this morning:

"I didn't say it mean or nothing, I was just like, "so what DOES it feel like to have an abortion, cuz you know, I would never have one myself?' and she just broke."

"Good. That's what she gets. Bitch."

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I Believe You Can Get Me Through the Night

I've polled a lot of my buddies and we've all had the same dream: landing a pillow soft punch. It's extremely disconcerting, throwing all your weight into a swing at someones chest and have it brushed off. At first I thought it was only me, because back in 8th grade there was this big fat, freckled football player kid named Nate Clark who was bugging the shit out of me and making life miserable so I finally punched him as hard as I could and it did nothing. I could feel the pressure of his soft, fat shoulder on my knuckles, He laughed and walked away, called me a faggot or something. That was ten years ago and still vivid in my mind. I thought that was why I have this dream but apparently it's common among men, although I don't know any women who've had it. I wonder if there are other prevalent dreams of this sort, where you suffer some kind of asexual impotence. I wonder if hunters and cops have nightmares where their guns don't fire, and if sax players have dreams where as hard as they blow, they can't get any sound from their instrument.

I had a dream the other night that I was sitting at the top of the stairs in some slum building with green walls and brave mice. I was playing my toy accordion and I could do no wrong. Every note came out beautiful. I was playing old Jewish songs that borrowed the melodies from older Hebrew prayers. There was a loud crack downstairs and the shuffling of footsteps on the steps. I kept playing as two cops, a blonde and a brunette ascended the stairs. The brunette was beautiful, if a little bit chubby, and the blonde looked like she was beautiful at some time but had weathered a bit with age. I played louder, proud of my newfound skill. They were uninterested and pushed me aside.

I was not myself again for the rest of my dream. The cops knocked on a door, cocked their guns and knocked louder. It was unlocked. There was an older guy with a mullet and moustache, drunk and tired. The lids of his eyes looked like puffy, wrinkle slabs of salami, or the skin of a walrus. He was skinny with droopy skin on his arms and a bit of a beer gut. As bad as he looked, he sounded even worse. His words came out in scratchy croaks. To hear them was to feel pain in your own throat. They needed him to catch someone, someone that looked a lot like me.

He was helpful, but a hindrance at every step. He never stopped being drunk or pathetic. They called him Tom Waits behind his back but his real name was Joey. And then it happened, the least sexy, sex scene I've ever beheld. Joey and Marija, the brunette cop. It was fumbling, awkward and messy, full of failed power plays and thinly-veiled pity. They had trouble with a condom and ended up not using one. The sheets on the bed were green and dirty. I don't remember if Joe came or Marija did,I think both. It came out as an orgasm of self-hate and atred for the world. When it was over, how they clamped up on themselves, ashamed and completely unable to look at each other.

I rarely have sex in my dreams. I wish I did, because my dreams are often pretty boring. It's even more rare that I'm someone else in my dream but here I played both parts. Sometimes I was Joe, half aware of how awful a man I'd become and trying to impress this woman. Sometimes I was Marija, full of self loathing and insecurity lying underneath this monster of a man. I remember how, when I was Joey, when I was done, I would touch her just to touch something, and how she was soft but how the touch didn't connect me to her like I wanted. There was no human response on her end. She would touch me but not seem to register what she was touching, if it was a leg or a knee, my belly or my balls. Her hands would travel, looking for some place to rest and not care where they touched.

The ordeal was wholly depressing and I was kind of glad to wake up and be me, when it was over. Still, I wonder what it means.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

k_driya truvillian is a dirty **** who will probably rob me

My cousin Rachel attended one of those Seven Sisters schools. Sarah Lawrence or something. One of her first roommates was a witch. Not in a pejorative sense per se. She wasn't a Wiccan, though, or anything trendy and definitely not part of a coven or anything She was, at least in her head, a practitioner of dark arts. Probably just a girl with a crush on Fairuza Bailk who saw the Craft too many times. I cann't 'blame her. I've been in the same boat. Thank God and the Jews for making those first couple minutes of American History X. Anyway, this girl's witchy habits were getting obnoxious. She liked to have loud sex with strange men, cut herself, and paint pictures with her menstrual blood. Rachel was a trooper. Even though she was a little weirded out by the whole thing, it was to be expected, at least a little, from an art school full of rich weirdos. She eventually had to be transferred because she was sick of having spells cast on her and living in a place that smelled of period blood. Over the last five years I have lived with Lon, John, Nell, Claire, that red haired chick whose name escapes me, Shahbaz, Cheryl, Ken, Jason, Kyle, Nate, Tania, Nick, my parents and over twenty animals Duo, Franklin, Sarah, Jessie, Jackie, Rachel and Matt have boarded, slept on couches or regularly stayed over for more than five nights a week Although many of these people may have some choice words to say about me, I have only had negative experiences with three people Chris Coates, Curran McHenry, and K_driya Truvillian Chris was an obsessive compulsive who never respected me. He had a drill bit lodged in his head and suffered night terrors. Curran was a fat slob who smoked too much pot, reeked of b.o. and ran up hundreds of dollars calling "singles hotlines" that he never paid now there's K_driya here are seven things I don't like about her: 7. You ever look at a place and see a bunch of cool toys and think, "Ooh, I want to live here, there are a bunch of cool toys"? When my parents moved from the townhouse to the home they currently live in, the family that was leaving had a lot of awesome stuff. One of those awesome things was a Fisher Price carousel, that I got to play with. I wanted the place instantly. Usually, the case is that the toys go with the person and the new boarder is upset. When I was showing K_driya the apartment, I told her we have a projector. "Ooh," she said, "I have Netflicks and a Game Cube!" 6. Claiming germaphobia, she doesn't take out the trash. Instead, she fills up tiny shopping bags with old food and debris and leaves them clustered around the trash can like some sort of monolithic altar for me to clean up. 5. She orders pizza every night. Every night! When K_driya first moved in, we asked if she could stock the fridge in exchange for letting her move in half a month early. She never did. In fact, the first time she brought food or beer into the house, she said she would only CHARGE US a couple bucks if we wanted to share. Since then, she has ordered pizza three to six nights a week and never once offered to share. Often, there are two or three hal f-fullpizza boxes taking up room in the fridge because (see 5), she won't throw them away. Not only that but she can AFFORD to order that many pizzas. Not only that but she can eat that many pizzas without gaining weight. I especially hate that. 4. I could never get the rent from her on time. every fucking month I'd have to pull her teeth to get the entire rent check from her. Every month she would forget that she has a three hundred dollar limit on her ATM and spend a week nickel-and-diming and dicking me around. 3. She would never fucking buy toilet paper or even put a new roll on the thingie. How fucking hard is that? 2. She took advantage of the fact that she scared the shit out of Tania. I could give a shit that she's black, in the military, or that she used to sell crack. I've still got half a foot and a hundred pounds on her plus I'm not high all the time. Still, she scares Tania, and when me and Tania did something that pissed her off (something marginal that we both did in equal parts), she woke up Tania screaminng and never said shit to me. 1. She's holding our mail keys hostage. Yep, she can get into our mailbox and we can't. I'm not sure if there's a legal term for it. Trespassing? Even though she's moved out she refuses to give us our only mail key because she has "an important package" on the way. Supposedly she has made copies for the rest of us but we still haven't seen them. I don't even want her to have those. How fucking creepy is it that she can get into our mailbox and house any time she wants. those are things I know I don't like about her, here are three things Tania and I believe that make her 1. She may have murdered our cat. Our cat Satellite, who arrived as a kitten only a year ago died last month after eating poison. We did our math and found out that he hadn't snuck out that night. I'm pretty sure there wasn't enough discarded poison lying around to eat away at his liver. Besides, cats are smart enough to naturally avoid poison. After a sniff or two, nearly any animal, no matter how domesticated, will know the difference between a Draino spill and a saucer of milk 2. She's been throwing away our mail. Since she moved in, no bills have arrived except the ones in her name. Even our snail spam is gone. No more listings from the museum for Tania. No more Guitar Center mailings for me. 3. She stole my fucking keys. Surprisingly, when I asked her for her keys to the house yesterday, she pulled them off her keyring and handed them to me with no delay. Later on, however, I noticed that my keys had vanished altogether. She can still get in our house whever she wants. When Kyle and Nate left in October, she took over Nate's old room on Kyle's recommendation. We don't hold it against Kyle but Tania says she'll never live with someone she doesn't know again. We're both a little scared that something will happen and I want my keys back. They had a bottle opener, a jump drive and keys to my parents' house, my office, the office of a magazine I work for, and the door to a theater that used to house a pirate radio station, and I don't want to lose all that. Anyway, the rest of this letter is directed towards the head of the army. Dear Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush (or whomever it may concern), K_driya Truvillian is high right now. She was high most of yesterday and has a sizeable bag'o'weed ready for tomorrow. Please drug test her without warning. Think of it as an intervention, it's for her own good. She's acting irrationally and well outside the law. If she has any warning of the test before she gets onto base, she will just buy that Detox juice to make her piss cloudy and untestable and get away with it. You don't want that to happen. Spring it on her. Or just send her to Iraq. She won't be missed. P.S. Underscores have been put in to place to avoid accusations of libel/slander. Also, I've been drinking.

a cheerful little story about a gal with two black eyes

If you're ever looking for someone to rob, or a place to sleep or fuck or hide out, I'll let you know now that I leave my door unlocked. There's a sign on the door, not so much hung onto as carved into, that says "surprise me." I couldn't find it on a welcome mat so I did it myself. I was asleep on the couch so I missed her entrance.

She had heels on. They crunched through styrofoam containers, pizza crusts, and a half-completed jigsaw puzzle lying on the floor. These are the type of obstacles that are supposed to keep a girl in heels from ever entering my apartmert. When I opened my eyes I had a pair of tits on my head, arms draped over my shoulders, and the business end of a stun gun pointed at my chest.

"Wake up, Baby. You're gonna miss the sun."

"What other options do I have?" This was meant to be a flirt but it came out lazy.

"775,000 volts."

"What's that in amperes?" It took a second for her to figure out if amperes was a real term the way I used it, and another for her to fumble with the math. I pulled the gun loose from the strap around her arm, spun the chair around, pointed and clicked. She threw her hands in front of her face and braced herself for pain. When it didn't come, she was pissed.

"What the fuck? Lousy piece of shit doesn't even work!"

"Yeah it does. Probly, at least. See that strap around your arm? It's attatched to a disable pin. It turns off if it gets disconnected, so that rapists can't just yank it and use it on you."

"That's good, I was scared for a minute."

"Yeah, 700,000 sounds like a good shock."

"I could give two shits about the shock, I thought I was gonna pee myself."

"That only really happens when you're holding it in already."

"How do you know?"

"I used to buy em at the Swap Shop and take em apart, to see if I could build my own."


"Iunno. Sell em. Make em better. It's too much work for too little result. I'd rather make a potato gun any day of the week. Just bust through car windows and shit without burning off your eyebrows."

"I thought you thought it was just a toy."

"Sometimes they are."

"Why are you smiling?"

"There was this girl I was seeing who was always up for some weird shit, and I had just bought this keychain tazer, like half the wattage of that thing you got. She was a tough girl, remember Aimee?"

"Yeah, that big girl."

"Yeah, she was a lot like Aimee, but she had pink hair and she was way underaged."


"Well I convinced her to let me use the taser on her while we were fucking to see if I'd get shocked."

"No... Really? What happened?"

"We made a circuit."


"Yeah, she got shocked, I got shocked and it just kept running through us. My fingerprints are probably scorched into her wall still."

"What happened them?"

"I got hooked. She let me do it like two more times and she even got to use it on me but then out of nowhere she called me a psychopath and broke up with me at Denny's."

"So you liked it?"

"Yeah, it was like I had a lightning bug in my stomach I swallowed Zeus. She'd lose all control for a few minutes and her body would do all this crazy involuntary shit. It would take up nearly all my mental energy to keep myself focused and in control. It was awesome. It would just take everything out of me, I'd be satisfied for weeks."

"You are a psycho."

"It takes two to..."


"No, I hate that phrase. Ummm. Mmm. Fuck it, what are you doing here?"

"Well, we had a deal."

Abra really had it together. Not just the stilettos, she's just a really well put together woman. Mostly. She's a few years older than me, and regularly pulls in six figures at these crazy office jobs I couldn't even deliver shit to. Actually, she's had a lot of work where she could pull in seven but she never keeps a job that long. Most of 'em are pending litigation.

Her name is Abra, but none of us call her that. As long as I've known her, everyone who really knew her called her Raccoon. She came over because she thinks I'm a scumbag, and because she gets a kick out of me because, well, I guess for the same reasons she thinks that I'm a scumbag.

"Yeah, I'm not sure if I can deal. Could you pass me that beer?"

"Not if you have any fresh ones I can give you instead."

"Don't be all bourgie, I just opened that a couple hours ago to put me to sleep."

She picked up the can, smelled it and made a face. She was wearing a purple blazer, with purple sunglasses and a purple skirt. I hate the color purple but it wasn't straight on. It was one of those delicate royal purples that have names in crayon boxes and housepaint and eye makeup but nothing I can remember. Her shoes are the same color as her eyes, which are hidden. Ice blue. Iridescent.

When she took off her shades, I could see the rings around her eyes, a light grey-violet.

"Look, if you can drink this shit beer in that shit chair all afternoon and shock some fat bitch you're fucking with a taser, you can ball up your fist and hit me in the face."

"I've never hit a girl before."

"So? I've been like this as long as you've known me. Before even. You know I'm not gonna care, I won't even tell people it was you. I just need them the right color."

It was true. Hence the nickname. Legend is, she took to it with an abusive boyfriend in high school. He hit her and then broke down when he saw what he'd done. He cried and cursed himself and promised to make good in her eyes. She had him and she wouldn't let him forget it. Every couple weeks she'd find a way to blacken her eyes again, and he thought he'd done permanent damage. It tortured him. By the time he found out it was months later and he hit her again. He broke down all over again and she dumped him. He had his parents send him away after that, to some sort of private school or monastary or something.

"Look, Raccoon...shouldn't you let them heal a bit more?"

"I know what I'm doing."

"Fine, lemme get in the right mindset. Just hang out for a minute."

She sat on the couch next to me, and unbuttoned her jacket. Underneath was a tanktop and a pearl necklace. Her arms were slim and freckled. She had tattoos of stars across her shoulders. They were hot pink and jagged but formed actual constellations. The only one that was visible was the hunter. She pushed her glasses up onto her forehead and pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

"So. Are you sure you want me to do this?"

"Why wouldn't I?" She asked as if I was an idiot for even thinking such a question.

"Because it's me. Punching you. In the face."

"Naw. It's cool."

If you haven't guessed, this is why she can't keep a job. Her credentials are stellar. When she goes to interviews she tones down the color coordination, but still uses subtle compliments to her bruises. The first thing she does, after one of those firm two-pump handshakes you're always hearing about, is apologize for her eyes. It was a skiing accident. She was wearing goggles and she hit a tree on an unfamiliar course. She tripped, fell flat on her face.

It always works. She's a beautiful woman with stellar credentials who takes time to go skiing when she's looking for a job, and even with two black eyes comes in all professional and ready to take on the world. [I]Who cares if she's a little clutzy on the slopes. It's snow! It's ice! Har har har. We'd better scoop her up before her eyes heal and she starts asking for more money. Har har.[/I]

That's the way she says it, but there's something else, something she only half realizes, which is how fucking intimidating she is with two black eyes and her shit together. She has never been sexually harassed at work. Not once. The way she looks, that's gotta be statistically impossible. She's sad about it sometimes. I don't think she realizes how castrating she is, abused and confident at the same time.

After six weeks or so, they'll start dropping hints. [I]How are things? You know, at home? We have an excellent counselor here, just so you know.[/I] When they ask if she needs help, she politely declines. When they ask if she's being abused, she'll tell them no. This throws them for a loop. You know that story "The Tell-tale Heart"? It's like that. They can't bear to look at her eyes any longer. To look at them is to suffer the pain she most certainly has had to suffer herself. They don't even realize that what they're looking at is not new and terrible but the compounded grief of a decade of self abuse.

It takes them a few more weeks, maybe even months before they're certain that her ski accident, as she described it to them, would have healed a few times over, and it's infuriating. She gets called into some boss' office. Not her boss, but a side boss, who is more level headed. He, and it's always a he, fires her. She has a counteroffer. To fire a girl for being punched is surely some kind of chauvinist discrimination. No one's sure what kind of discrimination, or even if there's a law against it but all agree that it doesn't look good. Three times out of four, they settle out of court. She asks for just enough money to make them feel lucky to be rid of her.

She goes on a trip.

"So how are we gonna do this?"

"I don't know, I don't like to lie down because I feel it more in my cheeks and skull. I can stand or be on my knees."

"Okay, get on your knees."

"I'd actually rather not in your apartment, I'm afraid I'll stick my knee in a pizza or something."

"Fine then stand."

I hop from one foot to another like a boxer swinging at the air.

"Be careful. I don't want a broken nose."

"Shit. I hadn't thought about that."

I drop my shoulders. I'm shaking. The last guy who did the hitting got the shit kicked out of him. He was her boyfriend for a couple months and Raccoon convinced him that it was better his fist than someone else's. The next guy she started seeing after they broke up asked her how she got her eyes blacked, and Raccoon told him that her ex-boyfriend did it, without any caveats or anything. She's can be a real bitch like that when she doesn't like you. She knew damn well that he was gonna get all knight-in-shining-armor on her. Hell, every guy she fucks is looking to save her. I'm gonna ask her outright.

"Hey Ratch? Abra?"


"Could you promise that you won't tell anybody I hit you if they're likely to hit me back?"

"Sure." This, she also found endlessly funny.

"Okay, I think I'm ready. Do you think you can insult me?"

"Yeah, sure. You're a pig."


"And you're a fuckin pig. You're one of the smartest people you know and you know it, but you're too impotent to fucking do anything about it. You just rack up bills in this slum building with your door unlocked, hoping somebody with initiative will come in and blow you or blow your fucking head off or something. You're lazy, you're balding, and you have an odo-"

I hit her. Once with my right and twice with my left, because I didn't think I did it hard enough the first time and also, a little, because I really wanted to. She dropped to the floor and held her knees in her arms. Even as tears streamed down her pink cheeks, she swore, "I'm alright. I swear. This just happens."

I collapsed in my chair and finished off the rest of my beer. I went to the fridge and pulled out a couple more. I chugged one and put the other on her right eye. She slapped it out of my hands and it rolled under the couch.

"You idiot, it's supposed to swell. Don't, just don't touch me for a minute alright? Thank you."

I fell back into the recliner, pulled back the lever and looked at the ceiling.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

another successful new years (first pointless list of the season!)

So out of nowhere, I was suffering caffeine-induced anxiety attacks. Sarah was right in suggesting that I'd be fine the second I stepped into a party. This is the fourth good New Years' in a row. It has gone from the most depressing night of the year to the best.

2006 - Party at Marion's house. Everyone is well dressed. Why is there a line at the Budweiser keg with Guinness on tap? White people are stupid. Red Bulls and Vodkas, Makers and diets, jello shots and I think I ended up smoking some pot. Old friends like Charles Wiley, Devon and Christian Duckworth, Tom Yates. New peeps like Eligio and Gaetano, most of the Berwyn Bordello crew. Took a cab to the wrong place and left my new camera inside. I shouldn't own things that don't fit in my pockets. Drunker than either of us realized, Sarah had to babysit. Near breakdown. But a beautiful day after.

2005 - Kyle is incapable of recommending good parties. Out with the yuppies and in with the bike kids. Arrive at the same time as Critical Mass. Twelve of us, twelve of them and at least as many on the way in close cell contact. Ira's pissed but we have full fridge privelages. First New Year's with Sarah. First New Year's with Erin and her boyfriend. Pete Wolf gets obnoxious when he has his own bottle of Jameson. He's in a rowdy mood but loves us all. Crash the after party, everyone is cautious of the drunk guy with the mohawk. After after at the Elks. Meet the neighbors, and sleep soundly.

2004 - Berwyn Bordello invades a smaller party. Takes it over. Roll around in the snow, hook up with Nikole and flash my dick at everyone I know.

2003 - Single on New Years. Still in love with Erin, who's at a rave with her boyfriend. Head out with the people I don't know I'm about to live with. At Natalia's I make out with everyone. Everyone. Shouldn't have left but followed the tide. Zip around the city in a stupor.

2002 - How many drugs can me and Erin do? Ecstacy, coke, adderall, vicodin, pot, whiskey, and miller lite. Dennis' loft and Dan Lieber's parents. Kevin Heath, Shahbaz, Curran, Naia and Tobz. Shahbaz is the only one I still talk to. First good new years I can remember.

2001 - Ted Hearne's place. All the girls I like are fucking each other on couches. My best friend won't talk to me and I don't know why. I'm drunk and I feel alone. Write on some drunk people, take some pictures, wish I was dead. Wander off in the cold. Hide and cry.

2000 - My parents have got me on lock. They're afraid of violence, riots in the street. Y2k. Me, Tom Yates, Kevin Heath, and Joey Mitchell chug Jaggermeister and eat pizza. I'm the only one that won't join the military in the next two years. None of them have been shot though. I'm happy about that

1999 - Babysitting in Miami. Play on a trampoline. Answer a seven year old's questions about love. Shoot off fireworks.

1998 - 1993 - New Years in Boca Raton. Watch the Mtv Top 100 video countdown. Shayna tries to keep Mom from having her one drink of the year (Kahlua). Every time I go upstairs I burst into tears.

1992 - Get home from Florida on New Years Eve at about ten. I pretend I want to stay up for the ball dropping but I really just want to play the TINY TOON ADVENTURES Nintendo game that Bubbe bought me that morning.

1991 - How the fuck should I know?

1990 - As far bak as I can remember. My first new decade. I can't believe it isn't the 80s anymore. In ten years it'll be the future. Bubbe tells me that in the thirties, when their teahers told them they would live to see the new milennium, no one believed it. I spend most of the night on Pop Pop's lap. I'm amazed to see all the adults awake, and partying at this hour and not have to sneak around to do it. The countdown was magical. Everyone in the room chanting together and smiling and looking all full of hope. Wow.