Sunday, July 22, 2007

hot shower laundry party

1. The landlord paid the water bill! Just in time for it not to get shut off, too.

2. I just found out that a phrase I've been saying for nearly a decade, because it sounded cute when one of my friends said it, came from a book I'm reading now, that one of my editor's daughters recommended to me exactly a decade ago.

3. Hottackysexycool. There was a girl on the bus reading a novel based on the television show Charmed. She had hair that started to split around the small of her back as it branched out over her back pockets and a homemade tattoo between her breasts that said simply J [heart] M .

4. It takes 20 minutes on a treadmill to work off the gatorade I drank there.

5. If I could install special faucets, I wouldn't have this problem.

The eternal shopping list:
1. Diet Pepsi
2. Lube

6. Usually I just want people to be around, and call me every now and then. Sometimes, get the hook up. Thanks to Cat for the cheap haircut and Mat for the cheap tattoo. I look 800% better. Much love to Shabby, Rachel, Basaraba, Stella, Liz, Aaron, Kate and Crazy Lombardo the Master of Pork, just for showin up.

7. Juvenile Sex Poem:

she nipped
at his cock
the way a fish
tastes the pink
at the end of the line
trying not to devour
what she knew was bad for her
but in the end
she was hooked
and though they made love
for quite some time
perhaps it would be more accurate
to say that she was gutted

8. I learned recently that when you tell a beggar that you're unemployed, they feel sorry for you

9. Outside of Margie's

Megan: If I was peanutbutter, do you think I'd be crunchy... or creamy?
ELR: Neither. You'd be jelly.
Megan: Why?
ELR: Cuz jam don't shake like that.

10. Blonde kid on the bus, young and cut. The girl with him is a couple heads taller, blonde-from-a-can, underaged and overdeveloped, so sexy that, by the way he (dis)regards her, you can tell they must be related. His shirt says CATHOLIC 4 LIFE and his iPod jacket is a collage of hand-drawn pictures of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac.

11. I can't tell if the two Polish girls on the bus are stewardesses or private schoolgirls, but I get a heavy lust feeling towards them. I press my arm down on the seat in front of my, and the flab tightens into something that looks like a muscle, the kind of thing you'd see on Popeye. I marvel at it. They don't seem to notice.

[currently reading: Still Life With Woodpecker]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When her repressed memories had rewakened a certain period when she was conscious that she did not love her husband, her symptoms disappeared, and therewith disappeared her resistance to the interpretation of the dream.. COLONEL STARBOTTLE FOR THE PLAINTIFF By Bret Harte (1839-1902) [From Harper's Magazine , March, 1901. Miss Bangle had sat through the whole previous scene, trembling for herself, although she had, as she supposed, guarded cunningly against exposure.. Jacobus, will you make out your bill at once, and let me pay it? I shall leave by the six o'clock train.. Fortunately the rain had ceased; the stars began to reappear, and the Morlands, when they found themselves in the carriage and on their way to Mrs.. William! he screamed, he is running away with us; we shall be dashed to pieces! Can't you get forward and cast off that line? What do you mean? cried Podington, as the boom gave a great jerk as if it would break its fastenings and drag him overboard.. He had little use for doing the usual thing in the usual sort of way.. The need of extending his acquaintance seemed to press upon Mr.. Got a pencil? He produced the bit of cardboard; Ross fished up a chewed stump of lead pencil, took it in cold, stiff fingers, and disfigured the square with eccentric scribblings.. It is an encouragement to folly and nonsense--and folly and nonsense are sinful. Indeed, I wonder, when I think that a sensible people like ours--really more attached to their clergy than they were in the lost days, when the Mathers and Nortons were noblemen--should choose to neutralize so much of their ministers' lives, and destroy so much of their early training, by this undefined passion for seeing them in public.. It is like driving off a fly during sleep, we awake ad hoc , and when we resume our sleep we have removed the disturbance.. We have previously found, empirically, that the incorrect processes described are enacted only with thoughts that exist in the repression.. These excitations surely continue to strive for expression during the night, and we may assume with equal certainty that the sleeping state renders impossible the usual continuation of the excitement in the foreconscious and the termination of the excitement by its becoming conscious.. I'll have t' save one room fer th' driver, an' that leaves four.. He would remind the jury that only a few weeks ago he stood there as the advocate of a powerful company, then represented by the present defendant.. Hannah, said he, meekly, I know it.. Recently discovered things, like the airship, are at once brought into universal use as sex symbols.. As long as psychology settled this question with the verbal explanation that the psychic is the conscious and that unconscious psychic occurrences are an obvious contradiction, a psychological estimate of the observations gained by the physician from abnormal mental states was precluded.. Now, as to my invitation--that is very different...

4:04 AM  
Blogger catmandu said...

Eric - I love reading your blog at work. I feel like I'm spying on you, and its a good feeling. Wish you would post again. Guess you're real busy partying and everything. You don't really know me, if found the blog cause I was googling for some mix downloads, but I think you're a great writer, especally when you write about your cock. - Too Shy To Say Who I Am

12:50 PM  

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