Sunday, September 12, 2004

green eyed bandaid (adhesive stripper)

[writing exercise. mp3s on random/nonstop writing... can't really do stream-of-consciousness but this was a reasonable facsimile though the computer decided i wanted to hear a lot of tom waits and techno and mWord kept capitalizing shit...goddamn capitalists]

[Tom Waits – clap hands]

a wolf is sitting on a stool in the kind of bathroom
that you sit in
and He
a He
in the women’s room

(because men do not have the kind of bathrooms
where you have a place to sit
unless you
are shitting
sneaking a wank)

maneuvering a tube of lipstick

and he is rubbing his legs together
teeth bared
like a ladymantis with a gutful of lover
or girl
in the back of class
highway patrol shades
teased hair and
ruby lips
sneaking a wank

tose curled
tongue snaking around a curse

but he is not lady bug or schoolgirl archetype
he is he
putting on lipstick
in a womens restroom
with courtseying pedmark door
and bulb-studded mirror like a hipsters belt

and air blows through
yellowed teeth

[dead kennedys – straight A’s]

as he mentally
rips through the clownsuit
next to him
rips through his fur

just another naked man
three mile grinning
yellow teeth
a retractable hardon

hitchhiking his way west

(because that is the way you traditionally go
if you’ve yet to learn your lesson or slay the dragon

[mike patton and rahzel- live]

The Dragon
a tank
stainless so you can see your face
and a million ghosts in its exterior

(because a million is a good number to say

So by the time the sun is setting
On naked feral
he is railriding

pulling lever up and down

[Tom Waits – all stripped down]

with steam engine
chugging along

it has personal stake
John Henry stake
and family estate

so for the honor of the picket white fence
and Pittsburgh steel black
chug chugs behind
helpless to the conductors heed

the wolf is helpless
but to pump

and chug


and chug

like motherfucking


and moon

[and you will know us by the trail of dead – clair de lune]

Helpless and drunk
black liquor rich
ad big dipper sipping
til the rails hit a dip and he finds himself

just a wolf allallone
in the cold and the snow

and the jackhammer

he needs a little bit of some hair o the dog
and in his case that means sex

so he finds himself
in a bathroom
of a hotel
with the something-french smell

putting on lipstick

[plaid – Prague radio]

And clownsuits
In the sh/glimmer of
Bulb mirror






the bar


no longer clear

when he starts to dance

only his toes touch

heels snag

there may not be music playing

and it’s as if the floor is covered with olives and silt

he wakes up
naked and smeared

in someone elses
story dream

gathering trousers
and fire escaping

[klute-three of us]

Radios ring
and sirens squeal as if the king has arrived

and here he is about to sneak out into the desert
-perhaps we’re in Nevada now-
Are we west enough (?)
or do we need to hit the pacific
or is it the atlantic
or do we need to ford the pacific and not stop
Til we hit the atlantic

At the statue of liberty
Paw printed and licensed and ordered leashed and

And this is no metaphor
Just a writingexercise wolf
In trousered man pants and
Caked lipstick
Considering the big apple

Where you can breathe
The dust that
Was desks and people
And the same steel that scraped the sky
Is the same steel they use to make tanks

Remembering his quest means

Remembering the man of la mancha never wins

An old cartoon that insomniac eleven year olds would watch at four in the morning
Don Coyote never won

[more Plaid]

John Henry’s heart gave every time

And even the men that brought down the twins
in a redeye flight to the city that never slept
Did not make it out
to the (Ala Akh)bar to
brag over a pint


cashed and

a five day
(which in dog years is 35 days which in Anglo's calendars is 7 weeks)
(the name of my exgirlfriend’s pup)
full body

[Clint Mansell- Abandon]

finds himself
in the city of seraphim
in front of a tank
that does not have a name

but was built on the grave of a million incans
(a good number to say; probably culturally, historically inaccurate)
That were burned to choleric angels

He sits
___xican standoff
a game
you hear about in movies

for one full rotation of the sun
or seven full dog’s-rotations of the sun
and names the tank Alek

which is the name of a boy
who took a bullet for an old friend of mine
whose name I’ve long forgotten

[Leonid Desyatnikov – koylbeljnana]


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