Friday, August 06, 2004

email to elitist roger's park green party member

dear wanky upper middle class marxist type,
> after receiving your email i nearly choked on the goat brie i was
> nibbling; next time you
> should put out a warning before cluttering my inbox with such
> rhetoric. Though it almost was my undoing, it did work as a sort of
call to
> arms, and the wake up call i needed. I went ahead and talked toi
this Earth
> of yours and she said that she will be thanking you. A couple years
from now
> she will thank you from under the fumes of Haliburton tanks in
Alaska, she
> will thank you. From under the smoke of terrorist-searching bombs

in response to:
Dear Wanky Upper Middle Class Liberals,

I support Nader/Camejo, the Green Party, the Green Alliance, the Fourth International, etc. because I know (I don't believe, I know) that if humans and many other species on this planet are to avert being destroyed by global climate catastrophe brought on by capitalist poisoning of the planet, there must be a break from the parties of death and oppression.

If you put down the brie for a second and look at or for example, maybe you will begin to understand. I don't hold out much hope because most of you are petit bourgeois caught up in your priviledges and thus too blind to see the reality that faces the vast majority of people on this planet, but oh well. I won't waste much time on this list, but, really, get a clue, any candidate has a right to run, the Junior Party of murder and oppression doesn't have the right to deny these candidates access and you don't have that right either, even if Toni Morrison won't be at the inaugural if the dumber mass murderer wins in November.

Me, I could care less who wins. Have a nice night.

Green Alliance

it's fun
for everyone
when leftists fight


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