Sunday, July 24, 2005

new CTA friends

As I descended the Jackson/Western Blue Line stop this larger woman in green got off the bench and waked to the other side of the platform. I took her space. The guy sharing it laughed, "I guess I made her uncomfortable."

He looked like Dave Chapelle with sharper features and a face full of old pockmarks.

"I asked her if she was goin to Navy Pier, she said she was goin Downtown, I said 'You should take me with you,' and she smiled. 'See, you smiled. I like to see you smile. You take me with you and I keep makin you smile...and put you on your back.'

Some women like when you're straight-forward."


On the bus to a show, this older woman in a Dominicks apron was talking on a cell phone, holding her hand like there shoulda been a cigarette in it.

"They're WHAT?! Where's your father? He's WHAT?! Well just wait til I come home."

She snapped the phone shut, looked around and started talking to nobody in particular.

"My sweet, INNOCENT son is at home sick. I bought him some NyQuil before I went to work. He calls me, the poor thing, to tell me his brother and his friends are drinking his NyQuil to get drunk. Ny son's sick with a fever and they're getting high off his NyQuil. Well, not for long. I'm going home and kicking some mother-fucking ASS


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