Monday, October 17, 2005

quote of the day wayback machine

so back when I was nineteen I was apprenticing at this writer's workshop for high school students and there were these two girls that I was embarassed to have a crush on because they couldn't have been over fifteen. Worse yet, they could write and their boyfriends were older than me. They were these dyed and studded, forty-swilling punk rock godesses, magazine glossy and oversexualized, and I could feel myself making justifications in my head. So much so that I felt I had to stay away and act like I probably would have if I was the same age

I just found a notebook from that summer with this quote in the back

Redhead: I don't feel like writing today. I don't have anything in me.
Chelseacut: Gawd I haven't had anything in me for two weeks.



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