Friday, September 02, 2005

letters to the editor, pt. 2

1. Dear NOPD

I heard that you were stopping all search and rescue efforts, in order to stop crime. Give it up. Your desperate acts do nothing to bolster confidence. You've already relinquished control to the federales. You're out of your league.
Besides, let the looters fucking loot. Stop shooting poor people. If they're still around, it's cause they don't have anywhere else to go. After about Day Two I imagine it's not so much fun wading around in a swamp. The food will go bad. Let them have it. If they've stolen a gun, they probably need it. You were practically giving them away to people who had more than fifty bucks to spend a few weeks ago.1 As for the rest? Consumer electronics, creature comforts, fashionable clothes...give them up. Most of the stores are destroyed, at least a little, right? Most legitimate businesses have insurance policies, their losses will be harsh but manageable. Those that don't, they'll have bigger problems. You can't keep an unattended store stocked for three months anyway. Not enough of you are honest. Admit it.
Your town is going to look like Mad Max, or Waterworld, for a while but let's face it, parts of it already did. Your focus should be getting the people who're left someplace out of harms way, where they can't squat up in other people's homes and offices, and keeping as many of them alive as possible.

It's just a shame that your new homeless are getting better treatment in Houston than the homeless people already there.

Eric lab Rat, New Orleans enthusiast, fan of jazz, zydeco, voudun and titties

2. Dear Israelis,

I know, it sucks losing your home. Now you know how the fucking Palestinians felt in '67. It wasn't your land to take, even if England and the fucking UN handed it to you on a silver platter. It was people's homes. People who're alive today. Give up your stringent notions of what Israel is. It's a half century old.
There are no maps in the Talmud. Your borders were created as needed, bordered by Jordan, Egypt, Syria, et cetera. You have your Israel, and no one can take it from you, but the Palestinans need a Palestine and since all the other countries are taken maybe they can have some of the land they've been living on for generations. And don't be fucking bitter about it, or we'll never get our hundred years of peace.

best wishes
Eric lab Rat, non-Hollywood Kabbalist, Reformed Jew

3. Dear Eric lab Rat

Shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about. Shut your damn gob so we can let you keep pretending you're fucking smart

Your friends and family, the handful of people that read your blog

4. Dear Dad,

I wish I had a president I could hold in high regard right now. Someone who inspired something, anything other than sheer contempt. Every time I hear him speak, I feel worse than I had prior. I tried to stop it, and failed. When did the office lose its integrity and mystique? Was it Clinton, Bush, or Lyndon Johnson? Was it earlier than that even? I always thought that R. Milhouse Nixon was a bogeyman that Hunter Thomnpson and Garry Trudeau created to scare children. I was not adequately prepared for this.

don't respond to this, I just needed to say it,
Eric Strom, a sometimes scared little boy


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