Tuesday, April 11, 2006

letters sent to Senators Durbin and Obama

Dear Senator Durbin,
I voted for you, it will never happen again. This probably doesn't concern you. As long as you're running as a Democrat you have a free pass here in Chicago, and because of Chicago, Illinois. That is why it is all the more shameful that you and the much-beloved Senator Obama refused to stand up to an unjust law and re-signed the disgusting Patriot Act this past month. This law does nothing more than erode many of our principle freedoms, as well as our supposed right to privacy.

You've not only lost my vote, but my respect.

Good day

--that was a bit of a stretch, I liked the guy and I voted for him, but I don't know if he ever had my respect. Here's a similar note I sent to Golden Boy Barack Obama--

Dear Senator Obama,
I voted for you. I enjoyed voting for you, and had hoped to do so again in the future. It will never happen again. This probably doesn't concern you. You're more than just the flavor of the month, people are comparing you to Kennedy (in a good way). As long as you're running, you have a free pass here in Chicago, and because of Chicago, Illinois. That is why it is all the more shameful that you and Senator Durbin threw away a grand chance to stand up to an unjust law and re-signed the disgusting Patriot Act this past month. This law does nothing more than erode many of our principle freedoms, as well as our supposed right to privacy. Apparently, you are not part of the solution and certainly part of the problem. You've just disenchanted a lot of good people who thought you could do no wrong. And to think, you're one of the few Democrats who could have said whatever you wanted and "gotten away" with it.

You've not only lost my vote, but my respect.

Good day

--When the Patriot Act came up for revision, it was delayed a couple of months, changed a tad and then quickly passed through the Senate. There were only ten dissenters:

Akaka (D-HI), Bingaman (D-NM), Byrd (D-WV), Feingold (D-WI), Harkin (D-IA), Jeffords (I-VT), Leahy (D-VT), Levin (D-MI), Murray (D-WA) and Wyden (D-OR))

I seriously advocate registering to vote, just so you can vote the bastards out. By bastards, I mean any incumbent from my area whose name I have never heard. I follow a lot of politics, but I shouldn't have to just to know who's representing me. By bastards, I mean anyone who had a chance to do something special and wasted it (Rod Blagojevich, anyone?) and anyone who towed the party line just to play politics, regardless of affiliation or how much I like them. Seriously, fuck these fuckers--


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