Thursday, May 04, 2006

OMG, Goth is soooo emo!

current mood: whiskey mead vodka keg

Without opening a single cd of my own, I heard some of the best and some of the worst music I've ever heard today. Unsurprisingly, the best music came from a place I never would've expected, and the worst came from the radio. I say that it is unsurprising not just as a dj, but as a dj at the station where I heard the offending song. That other muisic, with all its sparks and magic, came from the subway. The car smelled like shit, and the prime suspect was spilling beer on the floor to mask its scent. She came on, hunched and awkward, poised like an oddly proud zombie. She sang an old gospel tune, that borrowed a melody from the Supremes. "Baby Love" became "Thank You Lord" and he jumped in. They sang a duet; his masterful bass lent credence to her faltering scratches. They got off at seperate stops without exchanging a word and I replaced my jaw. No other song could touch that moment, and few tried...

I attribute Mike Skinner's popularity on racism. Now that Ice Cube is doing family films, everything he used to stand for feels like a lie. His beats are smooth, in the sense that muzak is smooth, and his rhymes are honest, though "truthy" may be a more apropriate term. And he's boring. His words lack play, and his stories go nowhere.

I have been training myself for years to enjoy whatever situation I find myself in. Socially and emotionally, if I am welcome, I should be able to have a good time. Ramon is the only other person who can do this as well as I can. I leapt into the pool from the 14th floor, and it took a while to shake the shock.

She was the first girl in months to hit on me that I didn't already know, and she echoed my every thought out loud. I entertained her til my drink came and walked away. Jessica called under curious auspices that could've meant bootycall as much as reunion.* When the girlfriend was established, our roles were cemented. I was to help her find some cock and proterct her from herself.

Rather than play catch-up, we established ourselves, as we are now and as we were a decade and a half ago, second-tier bullies who picked on anyone who didn't get to us first. She talked about the games played on her by Latin men. It flew in the face of what I've seen with Hispanic friends and roommates, but the people I associate with tend to be a class lower and a hair more dignified than the groups people mention in broad generalization. He was well-dressed and greasy in leather and hairgel. I told her he was a pussy for not coming over when she licked her lips, and called her a faggot when she went over to him. She was thrown from his car, and called him a date rapist, as she walked home unfulfilled.

Here are a few examples of trends in hiphop that are more fun than The Streets

reggaeton bliphop tattoogazer absurdist folkhop grime rio baile (brooklyn) Vice-supported-whitefolksgrime comedyrap least I can dance to it feel nostalgiac nod my head nod my head dance to it dance to it dance to it get my chuckle on

what the fuck can Mike Skinner do? Mike Skinner can fuckin blow me

*I am under no delusion, that events as I perceive them are probably a far cry from events as they actually are


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