Friday, August 06, 2004


bi polar
does not mean an eskimo who likes men and women

for some reason
its always better to start out with a

i'm so busyy right now that i have to budget time to break down and cry in bathrooms

and even when i'm working

which may as well be a new concept for me

i'm getting phone calls from my mother yelling at me

for not cleaning up rooms in houses i haven't seen for weeks and shouldn't have still been staying in for


and then she cries

and why is it the only times that she calls to complain

happen just before the times when i need to suck in my sperm and ask for another couple hundred to help me get by for a while?

and as i'm tipping my penis to the ground for all the dead men, real men who were able to support themselves and do their thing at the same time I'm realizing how much these whiles between these phone calls keep gettin shorter when there's nothin to show

and i'm pretty sure that

right now the only person who doesn't just see me at work or some sort of workish art thing is Sarah and she made the mistake of getting me a job at her office, i mean she's


but not like i am

and if i don't leave her alone for a while we may never have sex


i can see that look in her eyes fading

the way your eyes start to narrow when you're looking at the sun for too long
(and cmon who doesn't like the sun?)

i'm preparing for

the show

the collective



the apartment


to be honest i've failed at staying interested in this post, i believe i won't finish it...i'm not being (or attempting to be) clever, i'm just failing


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