Monday, August 22, 2005


inappropriate uses for Beatles songs
1. transitional music for pro war talk show ("She's Got a Ticket to Ride")
2. Muzak version of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" featuring absolutely no guitar that I have to listen to when I argue with the phone company

I found something good to say about the Cubs
Wrigley Field consistently hires weirdos for vendors
Party Steve, Arvo (aka Mister Fuckhead), Shimon Sapphire-Bernstein (think of a Talis and yarmulke dipped in bongwater wrapped in Grateful Dead mythos), and Jae Storm, who's been fired and rehired three years in a row for stealing shit at Wrigley

line of the weekend: I'm gonna tittyfuck that box of Peeps

R.I.P. Bob Moog

R.I.P. Lakeview Lounge

R.I.P. Randy Turner


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