Thursday, December 01, 2005

david villar. rest in peace.

WZRD's profile picture was taken downtown at a protest on the one year anniversary of the war in Iraq. The man with the jambox is David Villar, a former Wizard. A number of Wizards and former Wizards, met up that day as part of Karaoke Against Racism and Off Kilter Empires. Rotten Milk was there, Eleanor Balson, Dennis Sagel was there, David was there, I forget who else. On a few of the crappiest battery-operated boomboxes you'd ever seen we played an instrumental version of "Stairway to Heaven", singing a parody called "All that Glitters is Oil".

Last week, we got news that Ignacio David Vilar had died of a brain hemmorage. He was 21 years old.

In true Wizard fashion, I'm trying to celebrate David's life, rather than mourn his death, and David was a man who loved life. The last time I spoke to him, he had just got back from visiting family in Mexico, where he had fallen in love. She was a French girl. He couldn't speak a word of French and she couldn't speak a word of Spanish (or English for that matter, from what I heard), but in one month's time he had moved to France to be with her. The protest was the last time I saw him.

David made a lot of friends at the station, probably none of them closer than Dan Demchuk who, with Wizard and friend Dan Gonzalez, made a tribute for David available on WZRD's website. It has music, freestyles, rants and interviews and runs about 2 hours and 20 minutes. I'm skipping around, a second ago they were discussing Alexander Hamilton and the one-term presidencys of John and John Quincy Adams. Now, everybody sounds high and they're talking about Eazy E and MC Paul Barman. It's a true Wizard tribute.

Go there. Download it. Stream it.

David Villar. Rest in Peace You will be missed


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