Tuesday, September 25, 2007

the dream journal of... A TWENTY FIVE YEAR OLD!

My cousin lives in a high rise in Lakeview. The type of place a supervillain, a Lex Luthor-type CEO supervillain would call home. Floor to ceiling windows overlook a steel mesh dinosaur on the edge of a cliff across the street. There's a door in the side of the dinosaur and stairs going up to the top and then down into the cliff. The stairs lead to a children's museum and the big lizard is full of them marching buddy system, two-by-two down below.

I don't have time to stay at Josh's. I have to go home and practice. I scratch two forks against the strings of an acoustic guitar to the tune of a Carla Bozulich song. I have to practice in the bathroom because the acoustics are best there, but it's crowded with my friend Joe in there doing something on his computer that completely blocks access to the sink. Not that I need the sink for what I'm doing, and not that I even understand how scratching forks against an acoustic guitar is going to help me do an impression of Johnny Marr and win the big air guitar competition, but it's something I have to do!

this dream provided more questions than answers

...happy berfday to me


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