Sunday, September 10, 2006

Another Summer of Bad Ideas exclusive?

Apparently, the people who attach themes to seasons have dubbed this the Summer of Bad Ideas, which makes it sound eerily similar to the last ten summers.

A phone call. Midafternoon.

Ken: Hello?
ELR: Yo.
Ken: [hangover gurgles]
ELR: How're you doing?
Ken: Better. What's up?
ELR: Well I woke up with a bump on my head, and I know it was from headbutting. I was wondering if you knew who I headbutt, and why.
Ken: We headbutted each other. We were talking about soccer.
ELR: Oh.

It's weird. Two weekends in a row devolve into soccer talk. Perhaps it's not a hangover I'm suffering from, but World Cup fever!

[currently reading "Despite Everything" by Aaron Cometbus]


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